For this very reason fire extinguishers are serviced. Your provider may look like they are just doing a normal day’s work but that work, and servicing of a fire extinguisher can save lives. So how do they cause injures and are there any cases of actual deaths?
Fire Extinguisher Danger and Deaths
Majority of the population view fire extinguishers as a life safety device and rightfully so. They are designed to extinguish a small fire that’s a danger to people, assets and property. Not commonly known, is that fire extinguishers are pressurised and can cause significant injury and even death.
Causes of fire extinguisher failures can be categorised as below:
- Over pressurizing a fire extinguisher cylinder. Many fire extinguishers have a small gauge to show red for under pressurized or over pressurized and green for safe working pressures.Note: Not all fire extinguishers have gauges such as CO2 extinguishers.
- Cylinder failure, being that fire extinguishers aren’t a complete sealed unit and are made up of different components, damage or corrosion to any part can cause failure.